
Welcome to your Homeschool Art Elective!

You know your homeschooler is missing out on art class, but YOU’RE JUST NOT ARTISTIC.

GOOD NEWS! You don’t have to be an artist to provide your Homeschooler with a quality art class.

Outside The Box Creation is here to inspire your student every month with a new art unit to explore! including all the high quality art materials they need.

Skip the art supplies store and save hours of googling and searching on pinterest with expertly designed art lessons delivered every month- all supplies included!

Meet the ZERO PREP art elective  designed for Homeschoolers!

Deliver the JOY of creativity to your homeschooler with a monthly Art Unit including all the supplies to complete each lesson!

"I so appreciate the good quality books and for connecting the art project to the book! My kids have thoroughly enjoyed these boxes. The supplies are perfect and well-planned/packaged. Thank you!"

Wendi M., Homeschool Mom

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Your Monthly Art Curriculum is an all-in-one unit designed just for homeschoolers grades K-5!

Explore a new Art Technique and watch art come to life with video tutorials, illustrated guides, and a coordinating book that ties everything together

Every Curriculum Kit includes ALL the supplies you need!

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4 Professionally Designed Art Lessons

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Expertly Selected Children’s Book

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Illustrated Art Project Tutorials

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High Quality Art Materials

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Tips for Success at YOUR child’s skill level

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Video Tutorials in the Digital Art Room

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Art History & Vocab Lessons

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Portfolio Certificate of Completion

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Our family is loving this addition to our homeschool! I love the variety and easiness of each box. My boys love all of the activities and books!

Ezekiel F., Homeschool Dad

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How it works

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Choose Your Curriculum

Dive into the world of Art Education at home with a curriculum plan that fits best for you! You can select a curriculum plan that renews monthly, or save by ordering in advance for up to a full year!

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Unbox Inspiration

Your first Art Lesson ships right away including all of the high quality art materials needed and a curated children's book to complement your art elective.

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Learn Like An Artist

"Watch your student discover the magic of art as they follow along with our professional Art Educator to create their own masterpiece every week!

Created by experts, trusted by experts.svg__PID:dc42cd5b-0448-488d-a462-5b049547f4cc

Every Art Unit Includes...


4 Professionally Designed Art Lessons

You can’t find these lessons on Pinterest! Each month your student will dive into a new Art Unit exploring a different theme, artist and period in Art History. With 4 lessons each month you can add Art Class as a weekly elective in your Homeschool!


Expertly Selected Children’s Book

Art & Reading join forces with an expertly selected book to inspire each art lesson and support fundamental literacy skills.


Illustrated Tutorials

Students gain confidence with our easy-to-follow lesson plan that makes creating their own masterpieces fun & simple!


High Quality Art Materials

Skip the line at the Art Supplies Store! Your Art Lesson comes with all of the high quality art supplies your student needs for their monthly Art Lessons.


Skill Level Modifications

Every young artist works at their own pace! Your Art Curriculum includes tips for guiding your student through each lesson based on their current interests and art skill level.


Digital Art Room

Students can follow along with step-by-step video tutorials, enjoy vocabulary games, and learn about “Art in the Real World” with access to a monthly online course that compliments their Art Lesson.


Young Artist’s Guide

Discover how Art, Reading & Life collide with reading comprehension activities, art history lessons, and a student-led unit review!

Here’s what Homeschool Families are Saying...

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Choose Your Art Class

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4 Cartooning Lessons including thumbnail sketches, flipbooks, gag cartoons and comics!


Art History Lesson investingating the history of cartoons beginning with The Sistine Chapel!


Reading Lesson exploring exactly how to read a comic book as students enjoy reading The Last Comics on Earth


Vocab Lesson practicing new words to support students in their cartooning adventures


Art Concepts including framing, cross-hatching, animation and color tones


This year we’re exploring Ceramics, Cubism, Landscapes,Abstract Art... and so much more!


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All Supplies Included

Art Projects Per Month



Children's Book

Online Digital Course

Designed by Educators

Created for Homeschoolers

Art History Lessons

Certificate of Completion


Can’t find what you are looking for?

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